Champion's Challenge/Strategies (2024)

Champion's Challenge/Strategies (1)
This article is a strategy guide for Champion's Challenge.

Information on mechanics, setups, and tactics is on this page.

Champion scrolls are very rare drops from monsters belonging to the same race as the champion. All scrolls have a fixed drop rate of 1/5,000 no matter the type of creature. This rate is not affected by luck enhancers such as the Ring of Wealth. Having the effects of the champion scroll enhancer will increase the chance of a champion's scroll being dropped by 20% for every kill while charged (becoming 1.2/5,000, which amounts to approximately 1/4,166).

The general strategy to obtain champion scroll drops is to pick locations where kill rates can be maximized while exerting the least amount of effort, as depending on your luck, you may have to kill a very high quantity of monsters before a scroll drops.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Helpful Gear
    • 2.1 Dwarf multicannon
    • 2.2 Oldak coil
    • 2.3 Aggression potions
    • 2.4 Bonecrusher
    • 2.5 Smoke devil

Overview[edit | edit source]

Champion's scrollScroll dropper(s)Recommended Location(s)
Imp Champion's scrollImpKaramja Volcano resource dungeon, Morytania Slayer Tower dungeon, between Ardougne Monastery and Tower of Life
Goblin Champion's scrollGoblinEast of Lumbridge, Stronghold of Security, Goblin Village
Skeleton Champion's scrollSkeleton, Skoblin, Skeletal HorrorLumbridge Catacombs
Zombie Champion's scrollZombie, Armoured zombie, Dried zombie, Undead LumberjackStronghold of Security, Ullek, The Shadow Reef
Hobgoblin Champion's scrollHobgoblinGnome Village Dungeon, Hobgoblin Peninsula
Giant Champion's scrollHill giantEdgeville Dungeon hill giant resource dungeon, Edgeville Dungeon, south-west of Ourania Cave entrance
Banshee Champion's scrollBanshee, Mighty bansheeSlayer Tower, Pollnivneach Slayer Dungeon
Ghoul Champion's scrollGhoulGraveyard north of Canifis, Slayer Tower Mausoleum
Earth Warrior Champion's scrollEarth warriorSunken Pyramid, Chaos Tunnels
Aberrant Spectre Champion's scrollAberrant spectrePollnivneach Slayer Dungeon, Slayer Tower
Jogre Champion's scrollJogreWest Karamja near crashed gnome glider, Pothole Dungeon
Mummy Champion's scrollMummyChaos Tunnels, Ullek, Jaldraocht Pyramid
Lesser Demon Champion's scrollLesser demonKaramja Volcano resource dungeon, Crandor and Karamja Dungeon

Helpful Gear[edit | edit source]

When killing large amounts of monsters, there are several things that help make things more efficient and/or worthwhile.

Dwarf multicannon[edit | edit source]

Available for purchase after completion of the Dwarf Cannon quest, the dwarf multicannon can be deployed to fire at targets across a large area, dealing damage and causing them to target the cannon's owner. Each shot consumes one cannonball. The dwarf multicannon can receive capacity upgrades and the ability to auto-refill itself from rewards purchased from the Artisans' Workshop, and it can also receive a permanent 100% damage boost by using a dwarf multicannon upgrade kit.

The dwarf multicannon is extremely helpful for both killing and provoking monsters, but some areas such as the Chaos Tunnels and Slayer Tower do not permit the placement of a cannon.

Oldak coil[edit | edit source]

The Oldak coil is an invention device available from the cave goblin technology tree that serves as a magic-based variant of the dwarf multicannon. Unlike the dwarf multicannon, which launches cannonballs one at a time over large distances, the Oldak coil uses cannonballs to zap any targets in a 9x9 area around itself, and can damage multiple targets at once per cannonball used. Like the dwarf multicannon, it also benefits from upgrades from the Artisans' workshop, and can also receive a permanent 50% damage boost by using an Oldak coil upgrade kit.

The Oldak coil is more effective and efficient at killing monsters that are confined to a small roaming area, as it can damage multiple enemies at once. However, for monsters that are more spread out, the dwarf multicannon is generally more effective.

Aggression potions[edit | edit source]

Drinking these potions cause nearby enemies to attack you on their own, even if they aren't normally aggressive. These potions, although somewhat expensive, help make monster killing more relaxed as the player can just rely on auto-retaliate to kill monsters, without the need to manually attack them. These are especially helpful for killing monsters in areas where a cannon isn't permitted.

Bonecrusher[edit | edit source]

This item will automatically bury any bones dropped by monsters you kill. It can be purchased from the Dungeoneering rewards shop for 34,000 tokens, requiring level 21 Dungeoneering and level 21 Prayer to use.

When paired with a twisted bird skull necklace, split dragontooth necklace or demon horn necklace, all bones buried from killed monsters will restore prayer points, making this combination of items extremely useful for passively sustaining prayer without the need for prayer potions.

Smoke devil[edit | edit source]

Smoke devils are combat familiars that require 72 Summoning to use. When attacking targets with Dust Cloud scrolls available, they will launch magic attacks at up to 6 other nearby targets, making the familiar highly effective at killing large amounts of weaker enemies.

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Champion's Challenge/Strategies (2024)


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