f- Thuiwy, GCiwoaK J. 1858 SEYMOUR 'DAILY- TRIBUNE. SEYMOUR. IND. i MGRTOTEEN Reddington I I JV.
Sunday School attendance, 151, church, 183. many, families la thl community. They. a overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs: Homer Pa vis.
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Vornholt and Oscar Quade were Mr.and Hoene, Mr, and MrsT Orville Hoene and family, 'Mr. arid Mrs, Herbert Hoene, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoene and son, and Ivan Hoene, all Of Seymour and Cortland, and Mr.
and Vornholt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hittie and daughters, of Indianapolis, and Walter. Quade. of Milltown.
I Gt33! (Halt) former Reddingtoa minister, guest singer, for the revival meeVj tyarnali dasa meettnr'wffl be Juviiitf at tyrtland-IXPitf-tts Saturday nighty Oct i 4, first his early mlnlstrr'and Michel will be accompanist. the church nnex. second where he returned from G. O. Shank, who lives in Mrs.
1 a Montgomery ot "serving rth(f S. Navy JStymour, but Is weff known here, Reddington, and Mr. and Mrs in World War II. They are en- underwent- eye surgery in the Edmund- Murray, of Seymour, route to Florida, where Mrs. Metjtiodist in Indiana spent Sunday afternoon in Madi-.
Richmond is a delegate a olis Thursday of last week. She. ton. church and to visit recovering satisfactorily. "Her Mrs.
Sarah Helt is spending' the, parents of Mr. Richmond who room Dumber is B-708 at the hos- this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. live in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
pitaL Kenneth WelliVer and family. All, were dinner guests of Mrs. Burial services were conducted Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Gruber Sarah Helt nd tamS Guests tevSundaX- afternoon iRedintova.nd Mrs.
James H. HalJand chilv eluded Mr. and Mrs. Homer Da-, cemetery for Ennis of dren attended a Farmers Union vis. Misa Lisa Davis, Mr.
and Logansport. Funeral ce fish fry held in the Conservation Mrs. Kenneth. MiUef and family, were conducted from the 'Voss Club at Dudleytown -this week. Mr.
and Kenneth Welliver Chapel in Seymour. Friends ex- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Murray and and children, Mr. and jWrs Sco-1 tend deepest sympathy to bis family, of Pleasant Grove, visited ville Helt and sons; Mr and Mrs.
family. He has many relatives Mrs. Flora Murray Sunday. Burton Kleber" and-children, Mr. here.
The Rev. and Mrs: William L. an 1 Mrs. Malcolm Helt and the Regular board of the Richmond and son visited Mrs. honored guest.
church will be held Monday, Nellie Fox and family Sunday af- The Rev. George. Michel will be Oct. 6. iernoon.
They also called on Bally Day will be observed at Reddington Sunday with a goal of 225 set for attendance. A basket dinner will be enjoyed at 12:30 p. m. in the church annex. A special feature of the afternoon service will be "Burning of the Mortgage" to celebrate paying off the debt' on the church Special singing and a speaker will be heard.
Everyone, invited to No night service will be. held. Visitors at Sunday morning worship service were The Rev. and Mrs. William Richmond and son, Charles, of Madera, California.
The Rev. Mr. Richmond 1 l.at Cheddar cheese marked mild has been aged six; month or less; the medium-sharp cheddar nine months or less; and the sharp cheddar 1ft mbnths or more. TRUNDLE TRUCK Snuggling up under the wing of ihg 707 jet airliner, this low-slung Turbo-Tug hooks onto the big plant's landing gear lo tow the ship. Powered by a gas turbine, the "low bridge" vehicle is produced by Napco Indus- tries of Minneapolis, Minn.
Photo courtesy of Aviation Week. JElect a lawyer tor Prosecutor-VSte for James F. HiJlis. Adv. GET FULL VALUE WITH FULL HALF! Outstanding Pork Values (its Our 75M fo fT fP mm ooer 'III II II 2X PURE CANE C7' iJKk-St I IV 9-inch Loin End lb.
55" 9-inch Loin End lb. rT full RIB HALF A cenCurCcuts LOIN HALF slletittthi low half-loin DOMINO or GODCHAUX 50 5729 Can Pure LA $1.55 4-Ib. Pail 79c fn) -Lb. (6)(mc prleo KROGER FRESH Pork- Chops '69 mm CHIC annedHam WHOLE Sliced Bacon 59 (Cut Up Tray.Packea 1 is 33c Limit one 10-lb. bag or two 5-lb.
bags with your other purchases LB it Angel Food 1 fX fm for? rrr LARGE SIZE SAVE 20c (Reg. 59c) rM -LI-' Lj fxx 1fts Red -lb 0 I I Da. cc I0z. IflC pkgs. Str Frozen Kroger 8 Delightful Flcrvorj elatin Fresh Kale STnflVJBEllR 1 mm mi Loyisiana Swgetjams Idaho Potatoes Dvy Plants U.
8. No. 1 Sii "A For Baking or AU-Purpote 49c Beautiful Assorted 3-ln. Pot DeMonfe SUCED or HALVES PEACHES 3 WM Spotlight Coffee sas-' 65' TOMATO Kroger Bread 2 a 39 -39" 49e Ketchup 2 sh Jelly Fresh tajlties. rfHrStr: 38? Kroger Corn .2 25e Star-Kist Tuna 3' 09e ....25 5 $1 7c raftu 3 QvAcuwif3! All Grinds Tin 75c 1 limm Krogfir Golden Shortening.