How Much to Feed a Vizsla (Feeding Chart & Guide) (2024)

How Much to Feed a Vizsla (Feeding Chart & Guide) (1)

Navigating the feeding requirements of a Vizsla, especially for those new to this active breed, can be challenging. Food is a key aspect of their care, given their high energy levels.

Generally, Vizsla puppies require a higher food intake, roughly 2 ¼ to 3 ¾ cups of puppy food daily. Adults, on the other hand, should be fed 2 ½ to 3 ½ cups of adult dog food each day. Senior Vizslas require slightly less, about 2 to 2 ¾ cups of dog food per day.

If you’re a proud owner of a Vizsla or planning to own one, this guide is all you need to know about feeding a Vizsla the right way, including feeding charts by age, feeding frequency, and more.

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What Factors Impact How Much to Feed a Vizsla?

How Much to Feed a Vizsla (Feeding Chart & Guide) (2)

Feeding your Vizsla the right amount is essential for their well-being and happiness. However, there are several factors that affect how much they should eat.

Key factors to consider in determining your Vizsla’s food intake include:

  • Age: Young Vizslas require more calories for growth. Puppies should be fed several small meals per day. Their metabolic rate slows as they age, requiring adjustments in portion sizes to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Weight: Your dog’s current weight is a critical factor for how much you should be feeding them. Overweight dogs may need less food or a diet with fewer calories. On the other hand, underweight dogs might need more calories to ensure they gain weight steadily.
  • Activity Level: Active Vizslas require more energy. High-energy dogs will need more calories to sustain their activity levels. Conversely, less active Vizslas may require fewer calories to avoid weight gain.
  • Health: Health conditions can impact dietary needs. Some health issues may necessitate a special diet or altered calorie intake. Always consult a vet if your dog has any health concerns affecting their diet.

Tailoring your Vizsla’s diet based on age, weight, activity level, and health is crucial. These factors help ensure your pet gets the nutrients without overeating, promoting a long, healthy life.

How Much to Feed Your Vizsla

How Much to Feed a Vizsla (Feeding Chart & Guide) (3)

Understanding the importance of age when feeding your Vizsla is key due to their changing nutritional needs at different life stages.

  • Puppy Stage: Vizsla puppies, during their growth phase, require more protein and calories to support their development, bone health, and energy needs.
  • Adult Stage: As they reach adulthood, their metabolism becomes more stable. They need a balanced diet to maintain an optimal weight, muscle tone, and overall health.
  • Senior Stage: Senior dogs experience a slower metabolism and reduced activity levels. They require fewer calories but need nutrient-rich food to support joint health and immune function.

The charts provided below offer feeding guidelines for Vizsla puppies, adults, and senior dogs.

These should be used as a starting point, and adjustments may be necessary to meet your dog’s specific nutritional requirements and ensure proper growth.

Vizsla Puppy Feeding Chart (3 months to 2 years)

Vizsla puppies, like many breeds, initially depend on their mother’s milk for early nutrition. This crucial stage provides them with essential nutrients and antibodies.

They should start eating puppy food at about 3 to 4 weeks of age. At this early stage, they typically begin to wean off their mother’s milk and start transitioning to solid food.

Below is a detailed feeding chart outlining the nutritional requirements for a Vizsla puppy:

AgeDaily Food Quantity (Cups)Caloric Intake (Per day)
3 – 4 months2 ¼990 – 1,051
5 – 9 months2 ¼ – 3 ½952 – 1,608
10 – 12 months2 ¾ – 3 ¾1,254 – 1,708

Every dog is unique. It’s important to adjust food intake based on the dog’s activity level, gender, and other factors.

Given their size, Vizsla puppies can be fed food formulated for medium-to-large breeds. Some breeders recommend starting with puppy food and transitioning to adult food around 6 to 10 months.

Adult Vizsla Feeding Chart (1 to 6 years)

For an adult Vizsla aged 1 to 6 years, it’s important to provide a diet that sustains their energy levels and maintains optimal health.

Vizslas are known for their athleticism and high energy, so their diet should be tailored to support these traits.

Here’s a feeding chart that shows how much food your adult Vizsla needs:

AgeDaily Food Quantity (Cups)Caloric Intake (Per day)
1 – 6 years2 ½ – 3 ½1,035 – 1,363

The chart above offers a guideline for daily food intake, but remember, every dog is unique, and factors like activity level, metabolism, and overall health can influence the exact amount of food your Vizsla needs.

Remember that it’s crucial to monitor your Vizsla’s weight and alter its calorie consumption accordingly. In general, Vizslas should weigh between 40 and 65 pounds as an adult.

Moreover, as a gun dog, the Vizsla was a favorite companion of my father during his hunting expeditions in his younger years.

Due to the lively nature of these dogs and their amazing skill in hunting, we had to feed them more than usual to accommodate the energy requirements they needed for their active lifestyle.

We also gave them supplements that strengthened their bones and joints, such as calcium, phosphorus, glucosamine, and chondroitin. This type of diet made them even more efficient hunting and tracking dogs.

Senior Vizsla Feeding Chart (7 years and above)

Senior Vizslas have different nutritional requirements compared to their younger counterparts.

Their metabolism slows down, and they may be less active, necessitating adjustments in their diet to maintain a healthy weight and support their aging bodies.

To help you determine how much food your senior Vizsla needs, refer to the chart below:

AgeDaily Food Quantity (Cups)Caloric Intake (Per day)
7 years and above2 – 2 ¾828 – 1,091

It’s recommended to choose dog foods specifically formulated for seniors, as these typically have a balance of nutrients suitable for older dogs, including joint-supporting supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin.

How Often Should You Feed Your Vizsla?

How Much to Feed a Vizsla (Feeding Chart & Guide) (4)

While Vizslas are not typically prone to obesity, it’s important to establish a structured feeding routine rather than opting for free feeding.

Free feeding can make it difficult to monitor your dog’s food intake and may lead to overeating if your dog doesn’t self-regulate well.

The table below provides an outline for how often to feed your Vizsla based on their age:

AgeFeeding Frequency
8 – 12 weeksThree to four times a day or free-feeding
4 – 12 monthsThree times a day
1 – 6 yearsTwice a day
7 years and aboveOnce or twice a day

This schedule helps ensure they’re receiving the right amount of food at each stage of their life. Remember, each dog is unique, and their needs can vary based on factors like activity level, health, and metabolism.

It’s always recommended to consult with your veterinarian to create a feeding plan that’s specifically tailored to your dog’s needs.

How to Transition Your Vizsla to a New Food

How Much to Feed a Vizsla (Feeding Chart & Guide) (5)

Changing your Vizsla’s diet cannot be accomplished overnight. The transition to a new diet should be made gradually to prevent digestive issues.

A gradual transition from their previous diet to a new one over a week is advised. You can gradually transition your dog to a new diet by feeding it a mixture of old and new foods.

Here’s a simple schedule to transition your Vizsla from old food to new food properly:

DayOld FoodNew Food
1 – 275%25%
3 – 450%50%
5 – 625%75%

If your Vizsla experiences diarrhea or other gastrointestinal distress at any point of this process, it’s important to pause and reevaluate the transition.

You can slow down and adjust the pace to match your Vizsla’s tolerance instead. If the problem continues, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian.

Tips on Feeding an Overweight Vizsla

Obesity is a major health risk for dogs of all sizes, including Vizslas, and is becoming an increasingly common health crisis.

A healthy Vizsla should have a noticeable waist, and its rib cage shouldn’t be visible. However, you should still be able to feel its ribs. If you can barely feel its ribs, your dog is likely overweight.

Here are some tips on feeding an overweight Vizsla:

  • Control food portions: Carefully monitoring and controlling portion sizes at each meal is crucial. Serving controlled portions helps prevent overeating and supports gradual and healthy weight reduction.
  • Choose quality over quantity: Prioritize providing foods that are dense in essential nutrients over high-volume, low-nutrient foods. High-quality, nutrient-rich foods are inherently more satisfying and nourishing, reducing the need for larger serving sizes and consequently supporting effective weight management.
  • Stick on a scheduled feeding: Establishing specific, consistent feeding times is vital. A regular feeding schedule assists in regulating your Vizsla’s appetite and metabolism.
  • Lessen the snacks: It’s advisable to limit giving snacks and treats between meals. When treats are given, opting for healthier, low-calorie alternatives is preferable.

Regular check-ins with your vet are also crucial. They can provide tailored advice and adjustments, ensuring your Vizsla not only maintains a healthy weight but also thrives.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much to Feed a Vizsla (Feeding Chart & Guide) (6)

How Do I Know If I’m Feeding My Vizsla Enough?

A healthy adult Vizsla should have a visible waist and ribs that are easily felt but not seen. Comparing your dog’s weight to breed standards can offer valuable insights.

Moreover, if they are active and energetic, it’s likely they’re receiving proper nutrition. Balancing their intake with age-appropriate food is key to ensuring your Vizsla is getting enough to eat.

Why Is My Vizsla Not Eating?

If your Vizsla suddenly stops eating, it could be due to overfeeding or being picky with food. If this behavior continues, it might indicate a health issue.

If the loss of appetite lasts longer than 24 hours, you should make an appointment with your vet.

Can I Feed My Vizsla With Human Food?

Feeding your dog human food requires careful consideration. While certain human foods can be safe and nutritious for dogs, some can be harmful.

It’s important to research and consult with your vet before introducing new human foods to your Vizsla’s diet.

Do Vizslas Eat a Lot?

Yes, Vizslas tend to eat a lot due to their high energy levels. However, it’s crucial to monitor their food intake to prevent overfeeding and the risk of obesity.

Can Vizslas Eat Bones?

Yes, incorporating raw bones into your Vizsla’s diet is safe and can help create a more well-rounded meal plan. However, in certain situations, a bone can be harmful to your dog.

Avoid feeding your dog cooked bones, as they lose their nutritional value and become extremely hard and brittle.

Not only can this result in serious fractures to your dog’s teeth, but it also makes it much more difficult for your dog to digest and can lead to blockages, intestinal pain, bruising of the gut lining, and bleeding.

Did this guide answer all your questions in mind? Vizslas are active hunting dogs with some unique nutritional needs. If this article didn’t fully answer your questions on feeding your Vizsla properly, please leave a comment below.

How Much to Feed a Vizsla (Feeding Chart & Guide) (7)

Rachel Miller

I'm Rachel Miller, a certified pet nutritionist with extensive experience in formulating diets for various pets, including dogs, cats, birds, and small mammals. My specialty is creating customized diets for pets with medical conditions such as allergies, obesity, and digestive disorders. I'm also a regular contributor to pet nutrition publications and websites. In my free time, I enjoy hiking with my rescue dog and experimenting with new healthy pet food recipes.

How Much to Feed a Vizsla (Feeding Chart & Guide) (2024)


How Much to Feed a Vizsla (Feeding Chart & Guide)? ›

Adult Vizslas typically require about 2 to 3 cups of dry dog food per day, split between two meals. This will vary depending on their size, age, and activity level. Always start with the feeding guidelines on your dog food's label and adjust from there based on your dog's condition and energy needs.

How many cups should I feed my dog chart? ›

How to Read Dog Feeding Charts
Dog's WeightFood Per Day
21-35 pounds1¾ – 2½ Cups
36-50 pounds2½ – 3¼ Cups
51-75 pounds3¼ – 4¼ Cups
76-100 pounds4¼ – 5½ Cups
3 more rows
May 10, 2024

What is the best diet for a Hungarian Vizsla? ›

They benefit from a diet rich in high-quality animal protein sources such as chicken, beef, or fish, so look for a dog food with named meat protein sources at the top of the ingredient list.

How do I calculate what to feed my dog? ›

Puppies should be fed 5-6% of their growing body weight and Adult dogs should be fed 2-3% of their ideal body weight. Some dogs may need, more or less to maintain proper weight. We recommend feeding any dogs over the age of 6 months twice a day.

Why is my Vizsla always hungry? ›

Dogs can be hungry because: it's genetic, they've exercised a lot, they have health issues (such as diabetes or worms), it's a side-effect of medication, they're stressed, they're bored or because they're not getting enough of the right type of food.

Is 2 cups of food a day enough for a dog? ›

Assuming your dog has a typical activity level, toy breeds should have about ¼ cups to 1 cup, small breeds should have about 1 cup to 1 2/5 cup, medium breeds should have about 2 cups to 2 2/3 cups, and large breeds should have about 2 4/5 cups to 3 cups. -Senior dogs should be fed a little less than adult dogs.

Is 1 cup of dog food a day enough? ›

For an adult dog between 10 to 20 lbs. – ¾ to 1 ⅓ cups of food per serving. For an adult dog between 30 to 50 lbs. – 1 ¾ to 2 ⅔ cups of food per serving.

How much should a Vizsla eat per day? ›

On average, an adult Vizsla requires between 1,500 to 2,200 calories per day, depending on their activity level.

What is the average life expectancy of a Vizsla? ›

At what age is a Vizsla fully grown? ›

Vizslas are pretty much physically fully grown at 1.5-2 years old. However, sometimes their brains take a bit longer to catch up.

How to calculate homemade dog food portions? ›

As a general rule, the serving size for a portion of homemade dog food should equal two to three percent of an adult dog's body weight.

How much homemade food should I feed my dog chart? ›

Food Calculator
15 LB1 1/4 CUP PER DAY
20 LB1 1/2 CUP PER DAY
3 more rows

What is the 10% rule for feeding dogs? ›

The 10% rule means your dog's treats per day allowance should take up no more than 10% of their daily calorie intake. To work this out, it's useful to know the number of calories you should be feeding your dog per day. These can be provided by your pet food's manufacturer or found on the back of all dog food packaging.

Do dogs stop eating when they are full? ›

Your dog may stop eating because they are already full. While it can be hard to control a dog's diet if they are gobbling up your leftovers, there are many short and long term risks if your pet is eating more than they should be.

Why do Vizslas eat everything? ›

The term for eating non-edible objects for humans and animals is Pica. Dogs with pica practically have a compulsive urge to eat non-digestible items including rocks, dirt, and sticks. It's believed that animals with pica might be missing essential minerals or other nutrients in their diet.

How many times a day should a dog eat? ›

The number of meals a dog eats per day depends completely on the family schedule. Dogs should eat at least two meals each day, about 12 hours apart. But a breakfast, lunch, and dinner schedule is an equally great option. If more than 12 hours elapses between meals, the stomach can become hyperacidic causing nausea.

Is 4 cups of food a day too much for a dog? ›

If your dog is 70 pounds, 3 ½ cups is appropriate. If your dog's weight is 80 pounds, 3 ¾ cups is necessary. This increases if your dog's weight is 90 pounds - 4 ¼ cups a day. Finally, if your dog weighs 100 pounds, you can increase their amount of food to 4 ½ cups!

How many cups of homemade dog food per day calculator? ›

Food Calculator
15 LB1 1/4 CUP PER DAY
20 LB1 1/2 CUP PER DAY
25 LB1 3/4 CUP PER DAY
3 more rows

How many cups should a dog drink a day? ›

As a general guideline, most veterinarians recommend dogs drinkapproximately 2 to 3 times more water than the amount of food they eat each day. This means: If your dog eats 1 cup of food per day, they should be drinking 2 or 3 cups of water.

How many cups should my dog bowl be? ›

Medium-sized dog breeds like Beagles or French Bulldogs typically need a bowl that can hold 2 to 4 cups of food. Medium dog food bowls are usually deeper than those for small dogs, but not as deep as large bowls.


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